How many of you can say you have arrived at the current stop in your career intentionally? If you have then that is fantastic, congratulations. However, if you are like me, your career has taken many twists and turns along the way to ultimately a rewarding career stop, but what if I would have been more intentional along the way? How may things be different?
I have been blessed with crazy opportunities throughout my career that have taken me around the world, introduced me to some incredible people, and provided me the opportunity to lead numerous teams and organizations. All of those things have certainly made me into who I am both personally and professionally and have provided me with the background and knowledge to now help others. While I am finally doing something I have always wanted to do after a 25+ year career, I often wonder how much further I could have advanced in my development had I been more intentional instead of trying to figure it out along the way.
On Tuesday, February 2, I had the privilege to present a webinar as part of the Champaign Public Library Career Series. The Topic, Intentionally Designing Your Career Journey. Two years ago I started my own consulting firm, Nextier Advisors, to help others achieve their personal, professional, and organizational goals. Since 2018, I have had the opportunity to provide personalize career and professional development coaching to over 100 clients.
The webinar I led yesterday provides some guidance on how you can intentionally design your career to be both rewarding, fulfilling and ultimately engaging. By looking inward, you can begin to understand your personal interests, values and traits as you identify potential careers and jobs that will allow you to utilize those things. Whether you are just starting out in your career, trying to figure out what to do after high school or college, or wanting to make a mid career change to do something different, the concepts I talk about and review can be helpful in that journey.
The recorded webinar provided by the Champaign Public Library is below. Check it out if you are interested and please feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more at I’d also encourage you to take a look at the Champaign Public Library Career Center website. They have a ton of free resources and have an entire calendar of other free webinars and information available to the public.
Becoming intentional in regards to your career, your personal development, or your organization is extremely powerful. Take advantage of understanding ‘you’ so you can truly become intentional in that approach. Intentionality can be life changing, impactful, and rewarding as you continue to achieve your career and personal goals.
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