Nextier Advisors
Resources, Blogs, and Information Take the nextier mischief indexSchedule a meetingLeadership Summit Aims To Equip Local Business Leaders With Tools For Success
Announcing the 2025 Nextier Advisors Leadership Summit scheduled for January 22, 2025 in St. Joseph, Il. My thanks to The Sentinel for the great article which perfectly outlines the impact we are hoping to make with local business leaders. You can check out the...
Protected: Never Forget 9/11/01
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Embracing Career Changes
For the past 18 months I have been partnering with the Champaign Public Library and their "Get That Job" Webinar Series. Here is the link to the last webinar I presented this past Tuesday where we discuss how you can intentionally embrace career changes. To view,...
Why is Strategic Planning Important?
Strategic Planning can take on numerous forms and have various outcomes depending on the organization. However, the most important thing is to ensure that your short term and long term plans align with your company "why". If your plan is not aligned with the values...
Developing Leaders Using Flashlights and Mirrors
Check out my latest article for Arbor Risk Insurance and the Thrive program regarding an innovate way to continue to develop your leadership team. The concept of 'Flashlights and Mirrors' is something that can help you focus on specifics while providing your...
Harnessing the Passion of an Organization Through Strategic Planning
It is always an honor to be asked to help facilitate the strategic planning process for an organization. That honor is even more special when the organization is the Western Chapter of ISA and your mentor, and friend, Rose Epperson. I have stayed in touch with Rose...
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